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Creatures Wearing Asset

This means that fashion using this asset MAY be obtainable as an item from the new Random Loot System. It does NOT mean the items will be attainable from those mobs, although it MIGHT mean the item is available as drops from mobs of roughly the same rarity/level

Ivan Sulic Animal
Barry Bones, the Skeleton Bonelord Unliving
Guard Thornbringer Mortal
Guard Thornbringer Mortal
Fallen Guardsman Unliving
Fallen Swordsman Unliving
Fendle Walkabout Adventurer's Guild Mortal
Sigmund Bearathyn Adventurer's Guild Mortal
Iona Greyfern Adventurer's Guild Mortal
Jenny Dot Armor Merchant Mortal
Gus Thea Armor Merchant Mortal
Jorgen Yurzon Adventurer's Guild Mortal
Recruit Hood Mortal
Recruit Tell Mortal
Archer William Mortal
Archer Robin Mortal
Archer Lando Mortal
Archer Bloom Mortal
Rohoth Ravi Mortal
Thomas Baybrier Mortal
Landon Wickets Mortal

Items Using Asset

This means that fashion using this asset is obtainable as a standard in-game item.

basearmour/feet/armorccwarrior.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/18 11:54 (external edit)