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Spawn And Effect


/* The above line identifies this script as a 'Squirrel' script. 
 * When you first create a script, the server needs to know if it is 
 * a Squirrel script, or a 'TSL' script (Taiga Script Language xD).
 * If this was a TSL script, it would say #!/bin/tsl. This naming 
 * convenention comes from Unix shell scripts.

// Constants, for things you might want to tune over the life of the
// script, but are generally static

const BOX_PROP_ID=1127466;
const LIGHT_PROP_ID=1127467;

// You need to declare any variables you might use

spawnCID <- 0;
steamParticle <-0;

/* After declaring constants and variables, declare all of the
 * functions a script might use. These are not executed
 * immediately (unless explicitly called), but as the result of events


function queued_event() {

    /* Functions called as the result of an 'event' can themselves
     * fire more events. A common technique for this would be to
     * continuously call a function at an interval. This example
     * does nothing exception print a message in the server log every 10
     * seconds
    print("The script is still running (Spawn CID=" + spawnCID + " Effect=" + steamParticle + ")");
    inst.queue(queued_event, 5000);

 * The on_finish function is called when the script exits. Do NOT
 * queue any more events here, they will not be called. Use
 * this function to clear up and return the instance to it's
 * previous state if applicable
 function on_finish() {
    inst.broadcast("The script has finished!");

 * The onKill function is called when a creature in this instance
 * dies. You will be supplied the creature instance ID (CID), and
 * the creature definition ID (if any). You can also write functions
 * named 'on_kill_[CDefID]' and those will be called too.
function on_kill(cdefId, cid) {

    // Send a broadcast message
    inst.broadcast("I killed something!");

     * Change the light from red to green
    inst.asset(LIGHT_PROP_ID, "Light-Intense?Group=1&COLOR=00FF00", 1);

     * Spawn the box prop. The spawn function takes 3 arguments,the
     * last 2 of which are optional. The first is the prop ID to
     * spawn and is required. The 2nd argument can be used to force
     * a different creature ID to that which is defined in the prop,
     * and the final argument is the 'flag' which determines if
     * the creature is friendly, neutral etc.
     * The function will return the unique 'CID' which can then be
     * used in other functions to despawn or otherwise manipulate the
     * spawned prop.
    spawnCID = inst.spawn(BOX_PROP_ID, 0, 0);

     * Attach a steam particle to the spawned box. You must provide the
     * prop ID, the effect name, the scale of the effect, and an x,y
     * and z offset of the effect.
    steamParticle = inst.particleAttach(BOX_PROP_ID,"Par-Steam",5,0,10,0);

    // Stop the script in 20 seconds. This will clean everything up
    inst.queue(inst.halt, 20000);

/* Any script declared outside of the functions is run once when the
 * script is loaded. Use this to set up any variables, or queue your
 * first event (if you script is continously doing something and not
 * just reacting to built in events such as on_kill).
inst.queue(queued_event, 5000);

scriptlib/spawnandeffect.1431789886.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/16 16:24 by emerald