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Burning Ships

Level 15

Now for something quite a bit more dangerous…

The Avalonians still have men all up the coast and across the river. Additionally, they have infested the keep up the road.

Just past the keep is a farm. The area is still thick with stragglers. I actually think they are afraid to go back to Avalon considering the losses they already took! At the farms you might find some Barrels of Pitch. Take one of the barrels, then go to the dock on the far north section of the coast, by the mouth of the river, and burn some of the boats. Maybe taking away their chance of escape back to that island of theirs will crush their spirits!

Get moving and be quick about it!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

Ah-ha! I saw the smoke from here. I have to say, well done! You might be militia material, after all!


XP 1260
Coin 0 gold, 12 silver, 60 copper


quests.1345739879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/08/23 17:37 by rockfire