Item ID | 142957 |
Equip Type | 6 (Ranged weapon) |
Weapon Type | 7 (Throw) |
Constitution | 17 |
Dexterity | 0 |
Psyche | 0 |
Spirit | 0 |
Strength | 0 |
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This item may be part of a set including the items. However, there may be some items that are totally unrelated, or some items may not be shown. This is because there is no actual concept of a 'set' in the game data.
Knives | 10 | |
Blades | 12 | |
Swift Knives | 14 | |
Blitz Blades | 16 | |
Harmony Blades | 16 | |
Spinning Blades | 18 | |
Stinging Blades | 20 | |
Daggers | 30 | |
Fierce Knives | 30 | |
Runic Twilight Knives | 30 | |
Venom Blades | 36 | |
Ember Heart Blades | 38 | |
Firemaple Tears | 40 | |
Anubian Throwing Knives | 44 | |
Clucksnort's Throwing Claws | 48 | |
Pig-Iron Daggers | 1 | |
Gaming Knives | 4 | |
Fine Throwing Daggers | 8 | |
Scarr Feathers | 9 | |
Widow's Bite | 10 | |
Spirit Kiss | 20 | |
Hog Stickers | 24 | |
Marrow Shards | 28 | |
Willow Whistlers | 30 | |
Night Wasp | 30 | |
Fungus Stickers | 32 | |
Wrist Flickers | 32 | |
Yellow Jacket | 34 | |
Red Whisper | 34 | |
Snapjaw | 36 | |
Noisy Locust | 36 | |
Mole Bite | 38 | |
Thirsty | 38 | |
Natural Sunder | 40 | |
Lying Blades | 40 | |
Sixth Sense | 42 | |
Martial Stingers | 42 | |
Easy Pickin's | 44 | |
Anti-Hero | 44 | |
Night Trapper | 46 | |
Wind Blown | 46 | |
Alpha Seeker | 48 | |
Blood Sucker | 50 | |
Quick Flash | 50 | |
Wind Splitter | 52 | |
The Hummingbird | 54 | |
Lethal Finch | 54 | |
Glint Daggers | 8 | |
Twirl Blades | 48 | |
Beasthunter Bleeders | 37 | |
Flying Knives | 16 | |