Item ID | 142282 |
Equip Type | 1 (Weapon 1h) |
Weapon Type | 1 (Small) |
Constitution | 15 |
Dexterity | 0 |
Psyche | 0 |
Spirit | 0 |
Strength | 0 |
You can select this, copy the text to your clipboard and paste it back into /creatureTweak
Bronze Katar | 10 | |
Hooded Katar | 12 | |
Monkey Katar | 16 | |
Elusive Katar | 20 | |
Stone Katar | 20 | |
Eavesdropper's Katar | 26 | |
Featherweight Katar | 26 | |
Darkening Katar | 30 | |
Inner Circle Katar | 36 | |
Master Thief Katar | 38 | |
Wind-Favored Katar | 38 | |
Light Katar | 38 | |
Toxx's Mandible | 34 | |
Jade Sting Katar | 39 | |
Crystalline Katar | 39 | |
Eastern Rise | 40 | |
Blood Searcher | 42 | |
Haunting Shine | 42 | |
The Amputator | 44 | |