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Dungeon Entrance and Exit


  1. Create two “Creatures”, one for the entrance and one for the exit. These should use Interact_Rectangle as their prop appearance.
  2. Create two “Interacts”. one for entrance, one for the exit.
    1. They should name aaaa_to_bbbb where aaaa is the the lower cased zone name the player will leave, and bbbb is the lower cased zone name the player will enter. E.g. anglorum_to_europe.
    2. The interact should have a Type of Warp
    3. The interact should have a Class of Interact.
    4. It's Target Instance is the zone ID of the zone you will enter.
    5. Also set a Facing direction, Use Time and Message.
    6. The Object ID is the ID of the creature.

In Game

  1. Place the Instance_Entrance prop
  2. Place a spawn point pointing the Creatures that were made.
iceee/development/entranceexit.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/06 22:56 by emerald