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Installing on Mac OS Using Wine Staging

  1. Download the Windows game client from here. Do NOT attempt to install it yet.
  2. Download the latest Wine Staging from here and follow the instructions carefully. Things to note, you will also need XQuartz 2.7.7, although later versions of Mac OS X already have it.
  3. Open a Terminal
  4. Run the following command inside the terminal exactly (you can copy paste from here)
    /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine $HOME/Downloads/EarthEternal_TheScourgeOfAbiban_Setup.exe
  5. Follow the installation wizard. Do NOT click “Start The Scourge Of Abidan Now” on the final page.
  6. Now, whenever you want to run the game, you will have to open a Terminal again and run the following command exactly, can you can copy and paste from here.
    cd $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$LOGNAME/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Earth\ Eternal\ -\ The\ Scourge\ Of\ Abidan
    /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine Spark.exe

That it! You might want to create a script to make launching the game a bit easier. I will add instructions on doing that here at a later time.

iceee/players/installonosx.1441542659.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/06 13:30 by emerald