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Updating The Main Server

This page describes the process of updating the main server with the current version from the development server. This will happen when we release expansion packs, so should happen relatively infrequently.

These notes are more for my benefit :)

1. Take A Backup

First off, take a complete backup of the current server.

  1. Shutdown both running serves
    service iceee stop
    service iceee-dev stop
  2. Take a backup of the current main server
    cd /opt
    cp -Rp EEServer EEServer.previous
  3. It may be worth also copying this somewhere else just in case things go horribly wrong.

2. Copy In Dev Server Files

Now copy over the required files. We only want the static and executables from the dev server, accounts, groves and other dyanamic data should be left.

First off cd into the directory of the server to be updated.

cd EEServer

Now replace the released assets with those from the dev server

pushd asset
rm -fr Release
cp -Rp /opt/EEServer-Dev/asset/Release .

Now replace static data (items, quests, zones etc, AI scripts). NOTE: 'Data' is a symbolic link on the dev server as it comes from Git. Make sure the -L option is used when copying.

rm -fr Data
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/Data .
rm -fr AIScript
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/AIScript .
rm -fr Instance
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/Instance .
rm -fr Scenery
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/Scenery .
rm -fr SpawnPackages
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/SpawnPackages .
rm -fr Loot
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/Loot .
rm -fr ItemMod
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/ItemMod .

Some of these may not exist, or care should be take as they may change in game too, for example the credit shop.

rm -fr CreditShop
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/CreditShop .
rm -fr QuestScripts
cp -LRp /opt/EEServer-Dev/QuestScripts .
iceee/development/updatemainserver.1441371198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/04 13:53 by emerald