Table of Contents

The Locked Door

Level 11 (Suggested 12)

Solo quest

I have been investigating the graveyard and trying to ascertain exactly what the Thornbringers are doing here. Recently, the long-deceased have been rising from the grave. This is horrible! We must act quickly. The source of these risen dead must be inside the crypt. I see the Thornbringers come and go in and out of the crypt, but when I tried to enter, the door would not yield. There must be some secret to unlocking the door. Search the graveyard for a way to unlock the door.

Non-player Characters

On Completion

What is this? These symbols… they were freshly carved into the stone? But this… should not be. I have a very dark suspicion, but I need a book from the Camelot Great Library to confirm my fears.


XP 1117
Coin 0 11 17


Act 1

Act 2

Act 3