Table of Contents

The Life-Blighter Focus Crystal

Level 40 (Suggested 41)

Solo quest

The Black Shroomies maintain some of the first, and therefore the oldest, of their sickly mushroom rings south of Ironbirch Camp. These rings produce the strongest spores and therefore pose the greatest danger to our forest and its recovery.

The rotted mushroom ring south of here is kept even more pungent by the efforts of an amulet the Rotted King created and gave to one of his Shroomie Life-Blighters. Travel south of Ironbirch Camp and hunt down one of these black shroomies. The Shroomie Life-Blighters rarely leave the Grove of the Rotted King, yet we know for a certainty that one is always out in a rotted mushroom ring, to bring strength to the spores.

Find him. Kill him and return to me with the Life-Blighter Focus Crystal.

Non-player Characters

On Completion

You have done well in destroying the Life-Blighter and bringing this crystal to me.

Thank you and farewell!


XP 7232
Coin 0 72 32


Act 1

Act 2