Table of Contents

The Gloom Witches

Level 18 (Suggested 20)

5 party quest

Good day, friend. I hope I am not bothering you, but I am in quite a predicament. I have been a fool and now I fear I may pay for my foolishness with my very soul! You see, I met this traveler on the road. She was kind, sincere and beautiful, so I was not at all adverse to having her travel the road with me. She said she knew a shortcut to Nottingham through the swamp! I must admit, I should have known something was wrong right then, but I suppose I was taken in by her charms. I agreed to follow her on this 'shortcut'. Next thing I know, she disappeared into the fog and I am standing at some old shack in the swamp, surrounded by Gloom Witches! Yes, Gloom Witches, here in Anglorum! Then darkness! I awoke sometime later in a cavern. The Gloom Witches were there! They were chanting some mojo I could not quite understand and I felt a retching pain. One of them spoke to me and told me she had just stolen a piece of my soul and put it in some big red bottle! I am not sure if she was serious or just trying to scare me. Then they set me free! I ran with all haste back here to the inn! This cannot be allowed to continue! I talked to the guards and local militia, but they do not seem to believe me! So, friend, I beg of you! Go into the swamp, to that shack, and destroy the vile Gloom Witches. And if you can, get back that piece of my soul! I think the cave was under the shack, but it is all a bit or a blur… Please, do what you can!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

Hello again. Yes, I 'felt' - something, I think…maybe… …either way, I am better for knowing you put an end to those horrible creatures! Allow me to reward you for all you have done; take one of these items. Thank you and farewell.



Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4