Table of Contents

The First Bandit Brother

Level 10 (Suggested 11)

2 party quest

Jek and Jester Jumptail are brothers. Bungling brothers, normally, but it seems they have gotten smarter - well that is doubtful… At least they have the help and resources from these Thornbringer Druids, to have greater numbers of men at their disposal. I know for a fact that Jek Jumptail is lording over three small bandit camps near the bridge to the southeast. Go to the camps and eliminate the bandits, and Jek Jumptail.

Non-player Characters

On Completion

Ah! You have done well striking a blow into the heart of these bandits! I thank you! Druid Christie has more information about the Thornbringers she wishes to share with you. Speak to her when you are able. Thank you again!


XP 2147
Coin 0 21 47


Act 1

Act 2

Act 3