Table of Contents

The Collector

Level 24 (Suggested 25)

2 party quest

Do you like collecting? Oh, I do! I collect jewelry from all over the world, in fact. I am here in search of something special. I was told the leader of the Stonelions in the north has the most magnificent necklace. His name is Bentclaw. I would reward you with something very special if you would procure that necklace for me. I am loathe to killing, but understand those Stonelions are nothing but trouble and this would be not only a favor to me, but serve the greater good of the entire region!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

You have the necklace. For your, trouble take this key. You can use it to open the chest next to me. You may take one item from the chest as a reward for your efforts.


XP 3783
Coin 0 37 83
Danube's Key


Act 1

Act 2