Table of Contents

The Assault: Reclaiming Earthend!

Level 10 (Suggested 10)

Solo quest

The time has come to end the siege of Earthend. The Anubians have too long kept the city and now is the time we must act. I am prevented from using my magic to move troops inside. I assume Akhom has some kind of protective magic against such things. There is another way inside though. This well leads to another well just inside the wall. I am asking you to enter into the city and kill General Akhom. Friend, worry not! I would not ask you to assault an entire city without a little help. I have cast a weaking spell upon the entire city. The Anubians inside will quickly fall to your might!

Using the well you will enter the city. I am sure Akhom will not come out to fight you without reason. You must kill his three Captains and then kill his Commander. This will surely enrage him enough to show himself to you and face you in personal combat! You must go quickly - while I do have great power - the effects of the spell will not last forever!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

You have done well here and served the people of Corsica and Earthrise as a true champion. Your journey has just begun. The world is in peril and in dire need of heroes to stave off the evils that now seek to destroy that which we wish to rebuild. You must now travel to Anglorum to continue your journey. Your road ahead is long and fraught with danger, but if you are a true hero you will vanquish all obstacles that may stand in your way.

We built a makeshift portal in the camp. It was used to evacuate most of the population safely to other areas of the world. You now may use that portal and travel to Stonehenge in Anglorum.

Good luck hero - we will meet again.



Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6