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Merchant Guild Membership

Level 32 (Suggested 33)

Solo quest

I am proud to tell you that I am the first one in my family to own his own business! I specialize in rare spices and treasures from afar, or at least I plan to!

The only problem I am having is that in order to be a merchant of any worth, you must be a member of the Merchant's Guild, headquartered in Bazarrt. Not just anyone can join either, you have to be recommended, and that is particularly cumbersome.

I have one small glimmer of hope, however! If you could travel to Cracked Rock to the south and make your way along the road to Nantes Waystation, there is a beast there named Lazlo Gont. He is the Merchant's Guild representative there, and I would like you to bring him this letter to formally request my membership into the guild.

Bring my request to Lazlo in Nantes Waystation and, I beg of you, do anything you can to earn my favor with him. My future livelihood depends on it!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

Yes, yes? Who are you?


XP 5232
Coin 0 52 32


Act 1