Table of Contents

Crystal Fields

Level 39 (Suggested 40)

Solo quest

Welcome, beast! Almost due east of Oslis, you will see a true hidden treasure of this plateau, Crystal Shores Lake! This sparkling freshwater gem is surrounded by enormous crystal formations and is quite a breathtaking sight to see! In addition, you will find some strange creatures in the area, such as Quack-a-Trice, Crystal Slugs and Wandering Eyes. These creatures seem to have mutated beyond recognition of any other in the known world and I believe the reason to be found within the crystals. Would you travel to the Crystal Fields and gather some crystal shard samples for me to investigate? I will need six crystal shards. In addition, collect flesh samples from Crystalgazers and Quack-a-Trice. Ten each from these creatures should be enough.

Non-player Characters

On Completion

You work very quickly. This is good - good. Now let me see what you have brought me…


XP 6947
Coin 0 69 47


Act 1

Act 2