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Sleeping Giant:The Rune Stone

Level 31 (Suggested 32)

2 party quest

The time has come. The items you have gathered for me are used to burn as an offering to Gaia. Now that I have performed the offering, I can pass on to you the ability to activate the rune stone. But beyond that, I ask of you to also slay Sinoak. Sinoak is leading the charge to corrupt Mossheart. Destroying him will also help to protect Mossheart while he sleeps. Go now and good luck!

Non-player Characters

On Completion

You return successful. I am glad both for your success and your safety. You have done a great service to all those who call the Great Forest home. Please take this key. You may use it to open the Oakbound Chest here. You may take one item of your choosing.

Thank you again and may Gaia walk with you, always.


XP 5023
Coin 0 50 23
Luger's Key


Act 1

Act 2