Items Of Color #2b3f36

Item Type/Qual. Color
Cracked Marrow Weapon
Darksteel Dusted Breastplate Armour
Darksteel Dusted Gauntlets Armour
Darksteel Dusted Gorget Armour
Darksteel Dusted Greaves Armour
Darksteel Dusted Sabatons Armour
Darksteel Dusted Vambraces Armour
Darksteel Etched Breastplate Armour
Darksteel Etched Gauntlets Armour
Darksteel Etched Gorget Armour
Darksteel Etched Greaves Armour
Darksteel Etched Sabatons Armour
Darksteel Etched Vambraces Armour
Darksteel Forged Greaves Armour
Darksteel Forged Vambraces Armour
Darksteel Plate Boots Armour
Darksteel Plate Cuirass Armour
Darksteel Plate Gauntlets Armour
Darksteel Plate Gorget Armour
Darksteel Plate Greaves Armour
Darksteel Plate Vambraces Armour
Darksteel Proofed Breastplate Armour
Darksteel Proofed Gauntlets Armour
Darksteel Proofed Gorget Armour
Darksteel Proofed Greaves Armour
Darksteel Proofed Sabatons Armour
Darksteel Proofed Vambraces Armour
Fibrous Vestment Armour
Illuminating Headpiece Armour
Illuminating Legwraps Armour
Illuminating Vestment Armour
Lumber Axe Weapon
Rhino Charge Armplates Armour
Rhino Charge Boots Armour
Rhino Charge Breastplate Armour
Rhino Charge Gauntlets Armour
Rhino Charge Greaves Armour
Smooth Darksteel Breastplate Armour
Smooth Darksteel Gauntlets Armour
Smooth Darksteel Gorget Armour
Smooth Darksteel Greaves Armour
Smooth Darksteel Sabatons Armour
The Amputator Weapon
The Critic Weapon
Twinpoint Weapon
Weather Caller Armbands Armour
Weather Caller Boots Armour
Weather Caller Collar Armour
Weather Caller Gloves Armour
Weather Caller Helm Armour
Weather Caller Leggings Armour