Table of Contents

The Rogue Disciples of Djall

Level 45 Animal

Noctari Rogue


Creature ID 20185


Base health 0
Base melee damage 0
Casting setback chance 500
Casting break chance 500
Constitution 138
Dexterity 74
Psyche 79
Spirit 48
Strength 92
Resist Death 498
Resist Fire 504
Resist Frost 504
Resist Melee 498
Resist Mystic 384


Scale 1.1
Body Muscular
Head Normal
Gender Male
chest_ankles #bfbfbf
spots #bfbfbf
beak #bfbfbf
beard #bfbfbf
nails #bfbfbf
mask #bfbfbf
base #bfbfbf
hands #bfbfbf
neck_belly #bfbfbf
eye #bfbfbf
head_top #bfbfbf
eye_brows #bfbfbf
eye_lid #bfbfbf
