Creatures Of Race Broccan

Level Creature Sub name Category Rarity Colour
6 Kegan Mortal
6 Kinsley Kuhn Mortal
9 Soldier Dessie Earthrise Defense Corps. Mortal
10 Scout Shia Earthrise Defense Corps Mortal
11 Barbosa Animal Heroic
11 Convert Thornbringer Mortal
11 Zealot Thornbringer Mortal
12 Moon Dancer Thornbringer Mortal
13 Sage Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
13 Seer Thornbringer Mortal
14 Templar Thornbringer Mortal
15 Engineer Casandra Earthrise Defense Corps Mortal
15 Grand Druid Harlson Mortal
15 Guard Thornbringer Mortal
15 Jimmy Bean Mortal
15 Oracle Thornbringer Mortal
15 Swordsman Mortal
16 Lady Darkwood Valour Animal
16 Lord Darkwood Valour Animal
16 Swamp Bandit Sacker Mortal
18 Briarfang Animal Heroic
19 Nottingham Guardsman Mortal Heroic
20 Isa Tiria Mortal Epic
20 Nottingham Friar Mortal Heroic
20 Samira Rain The Arcadian Guard Animal
25 Savage Wilderbeastial Mortal
32 Bagwell Curzon Greek Fire Clan Animal
34 Impure Cook Unliving Heroic
35 Impure Cook Unliving Heroic
37 Arlie Eligius Ensuing Hilarity Animal
40 Furly Longshanks The Primal Fur Animal
45 Arcanist Frostsson Mortal Epic
45 Dekard Rove Weapon Merchant Mortal Epic
45 Fisherman Caddis Mortal Normal
45 Friar Tuck Mortal Epic
45 Gretta Gouge Weapon Merchant Mortal Epic
45 Hank Glendale Mortal Epic
45 Innkeeper O'Riles Mortal Normal
45 Lieutenant McLeod Mortal Epic
45 Master Sergeant Mitchell Mortal Epic
45 Mungo Jeri Armor Merchant Mortal Epic
45 Perren Frans Mortal
45 Sir Lancelot Knight of the Round Mortal Normal
45 Sooty Grogs Innkeeper Mortal Epic
45 Squire McRae Mortal Epic
45 Teren Bergorn General Merchant Mortal Epic
49 Big Dave Heroes Reborn Animal
50 Sir Lancelot Knight of the Round Mortal
50 Sir Lancelot Knight of the Round Mortal
50 Warp Bug Ghost Click me to Teleport Mortal
50 Woodsman Elmer Mortal