Creatures - P

Creature Sub name Category Level Rarity Color
Paendora Midnight Mortal 45 Normal
Pain-pounder Animal 18
Palatine Guard Unliving 49 Heroic
Palen Trull Thornbringer Mortal 11
Panterra Stone Lion Captain Mortal 38 Heroic
Panterra's Unit Flag Inanimate 1
Papa Greywhiskers Mortal 45 Epic
Paperback Wyrm Magical 16
Parasitic Bookwyrm Magical 19
Partially Built Faerie Gate Inanimate 1
Partisan Knights of Avalon Mortal 15
Passage to New Badari Inanimate 1
Patrick Drailings Mortal 16
Patty Thurgood Vault Keeper Mortal 50
Pawl The Foreman Mortal 35
Paylen Meer Unliving 35 Epic
Penelope Two-Gear Mortal 45
Penny Barker Vault Keeper Mortal 50
Pepper Longstockings Reagent Merchant Mortal 45 Epic
Pernin Ayn Knights of Avalon Mortal 18 Heroic
Perren Frans Mortal 45
Pestilent Protector Mortal 38 Heroic
Pestilla Magical 34
Petite Swamp Barb Inanimate 1
Petrie Animal 14
Petrified Bark Splinter Magical 41
Petrified Twig Inanimate 1
Phlegmarg Magical 39 Heroic
Phlegmarg's Treasure Inanimate 1
Phoenix Mortal 15
Phoenix Uchiha U S Marines Animal 12
Pied Piper Magical 35 Heroic
Piet Riposte Weapon Merchant Mortal 45 Epic
Pieter Deadeye Mortal 45 Normal
Piggypops Rockstar EE Developers Animal 59
Pikepeal Hedgehog Animal 22
Pile of Meat Inanimate 1
Pillager Stone Lion Mortal 25
Pimpin' Pete William's Minion Mortal 50 Epic
Pinchy Homer's Pet Mortal 1
Pinface Prickler Magical 47
Piper Charmed Druid Mortal 34 Heroic
Piper Charmed Mage Mortal 34 Heroic
Pitch Barrels Inanimate 1
Plains Wolf Animal 12
Plateau Fleshstinger Animal 38
Plateau Prickler Magical 38
Plated Masque Fangren and Friends Animal 29
Plingus Mortal 45 Epic
Pogonip Frostmage Magical 46
Pond-sprite Elemental 13
Poombra Animal 18
Portal Inanimate 1
Possessed Monk Mortal 17
Possessed Text Magical 34 Heroic
Power Source Inanimate 1
Prayer Brazier Inanimate 1
Prayer Coin Inanimate 1
Prayer Flame Inanimate 1
Preserver Akhom's Legion Mortal 7
Pricklepeal Hedgehog Animal 20
Pricklepig Hogling Animal 32
Pricklepig Hunter Animal 33
Pricklepig Matriarch Animal 33
Pricklepig Patriarch Animal 34 Heroic
Pride Chief Bentclaw Mortal 25
Pridelord Chamber Inanimate 1
Priestess Claira Thornbringer Mortal 15
Prince Duncan Emberson 10th Legion Commander Mortal 45 Epic
Prioress of Kirkless Mortal 20 Epic
Prisk Animal 12
Private Brown Mortal 20
Private Chalkley Earthrise Defense Corps Mortal 20
Private Gilpin Mortal 20
Private Griffon Mortal 20
Private Harmon Earthrise Defense Corps Mortal 20
Private Joker Mortal 1
Private Pyle Mortal 1
Private Quagmire Mortal 20
Private Richling Mortal 20
Private Ryne Mortal 1
Private Snowball Mortal 1
Private Tompkins Earthrise Defense Corps Mortal 20
Professor McBerryCollector Mortal 1
Pronto-pounder Animal 18
Protector 10th Legion Mortal 50 Epic
Prowlfang Stone Lion Mortal 38 Heroic
Pular Pridelord Mortal 39 Epic
Pular's Treasure Inanimate 1
Puritar Mortal 35 Heroic
Purple Mushroom Inanimate 1
Putrefied Urn Inanimate 1
Putrid Antlion Magical 34 Heroic
Putrid Avian Animal 41
Putrid Avien Mortal 42 Heroic
Putrid Avion Animal 43
Putrid Mollusk Animal 24
Putrid Shellslider Animal 38
Putrid Sporeshroom Magical 41
PvP Arena Inanimate 1
pitch barrels Inanimate 1