Creatures Of Level 42

Creature Sub name Category Rarity Category
Blackrot Shroomie Magical
Bladebane Khazechek Mortal
Blood Gorger Khazechek Mortal
Burning Miner Mortal Heroic
Crypt Digger Unliving
Cucur Magical Heroic
Demented Timberfiend Magical
Dragon Ember Elemental
Dragon Sworn Miner Mortal
Dragon's Fire Elemental Heroic
Durgan Wrathborn Khazechek Mortal Heroic
Eld Khran Mortal
Eld Khran Sleeping Forest Animal
Elia Scorn Khazechek Mortal Heroic
Enslaved Zombie Unliving Heroic
Folkirk Gardener Unliving
Folkirk Groundskeeper Unliving
Funga Frostspore Magical
Grave Looter Mortal
Grunes Deathweaver Animal
Haunt Hound Animal
Nefarious Hare Unliving
Petrified Bark Splinter Magical
Putrid Avien Mortal Heroic
Rekker Magical
Risen Corpse Unliving
Rumbler Elemental
Sandbone Giant Unliving Heroic
Shady Deathcrawler Animal
Soulrot Shroomie Magical
Spiteful Lanterneye Magical
Stump Slayer Magical
Stump Slayer Rotguard Magical
Stumpslayer Pyreguard Magical
Sythrex the Overseer Unliving Heroic
Taskmaster Glutt Unliving Heroic
Torpid Slimer Mortal
Twistroot Timberfiend Magical
Waylen Tinderbom Mortal
Wicked Webspinner Animal
Wrath Stag Animal
Zhushi Magical Epic