Creatures Of Level 14

Creature Sub name Category Rarity Category
Alchemist Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Anderson Heart Silver Mercenaries Animal
Anolus Gresh Thornbringer Mortal
Augur Thornbringer Mortal
Augur Knights of Avalon Mortal
Beguiler Knights of Avalon Mortal
Bone Chiller Thornbringer Mortal
Bone Thrall Unliving
Charred Chomper Magical
Creptus Klyde Thornbringer Mortal
Crypt Creeper Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Crypt Widow Animal Heroic
Decaying Nobleman Unliving Heroic
Disciple Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Dweamorist Thornbringer Mortal
Failed Experiment Mortal
Failed Experiment Mortal
Fanatic Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Feral Prickly Boar Animal
Feral Thumper Animal
Field Alchemist Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Flamesnout Magical
Floo Animal
Foulra Magical
Fowlfused Brute Magical
Fowlfused Lurker Magical
Glim Unliving
Grave Guardian Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Guard Thornbringer Mortal
Henge Slug Animal Heroic
High Ritualist Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Intrepid Lake Crab Animal
Ironcrush Elemental
Jengal Narglor Mortal Heroic
Knave Knights of Avalon Mortal
Lakeside Bloodfiend Animal
Lumba Animal
Meadow Masher Magical
Midnight Stormchaser Last Heaven Animal
Moldy Magician Unliving Heroic
Partisan Knights of Avalon Mortal
Petrie Animal
Risen Bones Unliving
Risen Clergyman Unliving Heroic
Ritualist Thornbringer Mortal
Rotting Assassin Unliving Heroic
Sage Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Sage Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Savage Thumper Animal
Scott Lantz Animal
Scoundrel Bog Rats Mortal
Skull Charmer Thornbringer Mortal Heroic
Sohlt Animal
Sparkwing Animal Heroic
Spineback Burrower Animal
Spiritless Swordsman Unliving Heroic
Squire Knights of Avalon Mortal
Stoneskin Pummeler Magical
Stoneskin Slasher Magical
Templar Thornbringer Mortal
Templar Squire Thornbringer Mortal
Undead Footsoldier Unliving Heroic
Vestinger Mortal Heroic
Water-wraith Elemental