====== Forbidden Knowledge Shirt ====== ===== Level 49 =====
//Bind on Equip// 0 {{:wiki:small-gold.png|}} 64 {{:wiki:small-silver.png|}} 23 {{:wiki:small-copper.png|}} ===== Internals ===== | Item ID| 4069 | | Equip Type| 11 (Chest) | | Armour Type| 1 (Cloth) | ===== Stats ===== | Constitution| 19 | | Dexterity| 0 | | Psyche| 0 | | Spirit| 0 | | Strength| 0 | | Resist Death| 132 | | Resist Fire| 132 | | Resist Frost| 132 | | Resist Melee| 132 | | Resist Mystic| 132 | ===== Appearance =====
{{basearmour::armor-cloth-mid4.jpg|}} | Type | [[basearmour::armorclothmid4|Armor-Cloth-Mid4]] | | Color 0| #3f3f3f | | Color 1| #aa5726 | | Color 2| #7f2b07 | | Color 3| #3f3f3f | | Color 4| #7f420b |
==== Appearance String ==== You can select this, copy the text to your clipboard and paste it back into /creatureTweak {c={type="Armor-Cloth-Mid4",colors=["3f3f3f","aa5726","7f2b07","3f3f3f","7f420b"]}} ===== Related ===== ==== Possible set items ==== This item may be part of a set including the items. However, there may be some items that are totally unrelated, or some items may not be shown. This is because there is no actual concept of a 'set' in the game data. |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgeShoulders|Forbidden Knowledge Shoulders]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgeCap|Forbidden Knowledge Cap]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgePants|Forbidden Knowledge Pants]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgeWand|Forbidden Knowledge Wand]]| 48|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeShoulders|Old Forbidden Knowledge Shoulders]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeCap|Old Forbidden Knowledge Cap]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeShoes|Old Forbidden Knowledge Shoes]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgePants|Old Forbidden Knowledge Pants]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeGloves|Old Forbidden Knowledge Gloves]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeShirt|Old Forbidden Knowledge Shirt]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeCollar|Old Forbidden Knowledge Collar]]| 49|
| ==== Use same asset ==== |
| [[items:s:SpellweaverVestment|Spellweaver Vestment]]| 27|
| |
| [[items:a:AmberweaveVestment|Amberweave Vestment]]| 33|
| |
| [[items:a:AzureweaveVestment|Azureweave Vestment]]| 33|
| |
| [[items:p:PsychicFocusingVestment|Psychic Focusing Vestment]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:t:TranceWalkerVestment|Trance Walker Vestment]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:c:CeremonyMasterVestment|Ceremony Master Vestment]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:a:AstralliteImbuedVestment|Astrallite Imbued Vestment]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:h:HexxiteImbuedVestment|Hexxite-Imbued Vestment]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:s:StardustWovenTunic|Stardust Woven Tunic]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:w:WindRippledTunic|Wind Rippled Tunic]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:f:FatespeakerTunic|Fatespeaker Tunic]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenShirt|Garnet-Woven Shirt]]| 49|
| |
| [[items:a:ArchwizardsVestment|Archwizard's Vestment]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:d:DragonWingTunic|Dragon Wing Tunic]]| 40|
| |
| [[items:v:VoodooVestment|Voodoo Vestment]]| 24|
| ==== Use same colours ==== |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgePants|Forbidden Knowledge Pants]]| 49|
| 4 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenPants|Garnet Woven Pants]]| 49|
| 3 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetBuckleBelt|Garnet Buckle Belt]]| 37|
| 2 | |
| [[items:e:EmberlaidCap|Emberlaid Cap]]| 37|
| 2 | |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgeShoulders|Forbidden Knowledge Shoulders]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:f:ForbiddenKnowledgeCap|Forbidden Knowledge Cap]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenHeadband|Garnet Woven Headband]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenShoes|Garnet Woven Shoes]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenSleeves|Garnet Woven Sleeves]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenGloves|Garnet Woven Gloves]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenShirt|Garnet-Woven Shirt]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:g:GarnetWovenCollar|Garnet Woven Collar]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:o:OldForbiddenKnowledgeShoulders|Old Forbidden Knowledge Shoulders]]| 49|
| 2 | |
| [[items:n:NettleFiberVestment|Nettle Fiber Vestment]]| 9|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PaintedPullover|Painted Pullover]]| 13|
| 1 | |
| [[items:q:QuiltedPullover|Quilted Pullover]]| 13|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BrambledPants|Brambled Pants]]| 19|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:ShadowcasterWaistband|Shadowcaster Waistband]]| 19|
| 1 | |
| [[items:d:DetailedSleeves|Detailed Sleeves]]| 11|
| 1 | |
| [[items:c:CopperThreadedArmguards|Copper Threaded Armguards]]| 13|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:ShabbyBuckler|Shabby Buckler]]| 7|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PilferingGloves|Pilfering Gloves]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:m:MoonlightingGloves|Moonlighting Gloves]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:l:LiberatingGloves|Liberating Gloves]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:ScroungingGloves|Scrounging Gloves]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:n:NevermoreBelt|Nevermore Belt]]| 18|
| 1 | |
| [[items:n:NevermoreSash|Nevermore Sash]]| 18|
| 1 | |
| [[items:o:OnyxSwanCollar|Onyx Swan Collar]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:o:ObsidianSwanGorget|Obsidian Swan Gorget]]| 23|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BlightedGorget|Blighted Gorget]]| 23|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollBeardVestment|Woven Troll Beard Vestment]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherArmour|Plated Witchleather Armour]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:d:DauntlessJerkin|Dauntless Jerkin]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollBeardMitts|Woven Troll Beard Mitts]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherGloves|Plated Witchleather Gloves]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WaterDrakeGloves|Water Drake Gloves]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollBeardSleeves|Woven Troll Beard Sleeves]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherSleeves|Plated Witchleather Sleeves]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WaterDrakeSleeves|Water Drake Sleeves]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollBeardKilt|Woven Troll Beard Kilt]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherPants|Plated Witchleather Pants]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollbeardSlippers|Woven Trollbeard Slippers]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:ShadowskinClogs|Shadowskin Clogs]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PhantasmalBoots|Phantasmal Boots]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherAnkleboots|Plated Witchleather Ankleboots]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WaterDrakesAnkleboots|Water Drake's Ankleboots]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollBeardSpaulders|Woven Troll Beard Spaulders]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WovenTrollbeardCord|Woven Trollbeard Cord]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PlatedWitchleatherBelt|Plated Witchleather Belt]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:r:RivetedLeatherBelt|Riveted Leather Belt]]| 27|
| 1 | |
| [[items:v:VigilantHunterWaistband|Vigilant Hunter Waistband]]| 31|
| 1 |