====== Changeling Wrought Shoulders ====== ===== Level 39 =====
//Bind on Equip// 0 {{:wiki:small-gold.png|}} 30 {{:wiki:small-silver.png|}} 6 {{:wiki:small-copper.png|}} ===== Internals ===== | Item ID| 2847 | | Equip Type| 10 (Shoulders) | | Armour Type| 1 (Cloth) | ===== Stats ===== | Constitution| 12 | | Dexterity| 0 | | Psyche| 0 | | Spirit| 0 | | Strength| 0 | | Resist Death| 59 | | Resist Fire| 59 | | Resist Frost| 59 | | Resist Melee| 59 | | Resist Mystic| 59 | ===== Appearance =====
| Unknown| Unknown | | #326a35#6c7f32#e97a14| #326a35#6c7f32#e97a14 | | {{:attachments:armor-cloth-mid3-left_pauldron.jpg|}}| {{:attachments:armor-cloth-mid3-right_pauldron.jpg|}} | | [[basearmour::Pauldrons:armorclothmid3leftpauldron|Armor-Cloth-Mid3-Left_Pauldron]]| [[basearmour::Pauldrons:armorclothmid3rightpauldron|Armor-Cloth-Mid3-Right_Pauldron]] |
==== Appearance String ==== You can select this, copy the text to your clipboard and paste it back into /creatureTweak [{["a"]={["type"]="Armor-Cloth-Mid3-Right_Pauldron",["colors"]=["326a35","6c7f32","e97a14"]}},{["a"]={["type"]="Armor-Cloth-Mid3-Left_Pauldron",["colors"]=["326a35","6c7f32","e97a14"]}}] ===== Related ===== ==== Possible set items ==== This item may be part of a set including the items. However, there may be some items that are totally unrelated, or some items may not be shown. This is because there is no actual concept of a 'set' in the game data. |
| [[items:o:OldChangelingWroughtShoulders|Old Changeling Wrought Shoulders]]| 39|
| ==== Use same asset ==== |
| [[items:c:CeremonialSacrificeShoulders|Ceremonial Sacrifice Shoulders]]| 35|
| |
| [[items:c:CeremonialSacrificeShoulders|Ceremonial Sacrifice Shoulders]]| 35|
| |
| [[items:a:AmbergemShoulders|Ambergem Shoulders]]| 41|
| |
| [[items:a:AmbergemShoulders|Ambergem Shoulders]]| 41|
| |
| [[items:t:TwilightShoulders|Twilight Shoulders]]| 43|
| |
| [[items:t:TwilightShoulders|Twilight Shoulders]]| 43|
| |
| [[items:l:LifeBlighterShoulders|Life-Blighter Shoulders]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:l:LifeBlighterShoulders|Life-Blighter Shoulders]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:w:WarpedStarlightShoulders|Warped Starlight Shoulders]]| 51|
| |
| [[items:w:WarpedStarlightShoulders|Warped Starlight Shoulders]]| 51|
| |
| [[items:e:EfrittiShoulders|Efritti Shoulders]]| 38|
| |
| [[items:e:EfrittiShoulders|Efritti Shoulders]]| 38|
| |
| [[items:l:LupineShoulders|Lupine Shoulders]]| 40|
| |
| [[items:l:LupineShoulders|Lupine Shoulders]]| 40|
| |
| [[items:t:TrollfelShoulderpads|Trollfel Shoulderpads]]| 30|
| |
| [[items:t:TrollfelShoulderpads|Trollfel Shoulderpads]]| 30|
| |
| [[items:o:OldCeremonialSacrificeShoulders|Old Ceremonial Sacrifice Shoulders]]| 35|
| |
| [[items:o:OldCeremonialSacrificeShoulders|Old Ceremonial Sacrifice Shoulders]]| 35|
| |
| [[items:o:OldChangelingWroughtShoulders|Old Changeling Wrought Shoulders]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:o:OldChangelingWroughtShoulders|Old Changeling Wrought Shoulders]]| 39|
| |
| [[items:o:OldDiabolistsCeremonialShoulders|Old Diabolist's Ceremonial Shoulders]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:o:OldDiabolistsCeremonialShoulders|Old Diabolist's Ceremonial Shoulders]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:o:OldMysteriumShoulders|Old Mysterium Shoulders]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:o:OldMysteriumShoulders|Old Mysterium Shoulders]]| 45|
| |
| [[items:o:OldLifeBlighterShoulders|Old Life-Blighter Shoulders]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:o:OldLifeBlighterShoulders|Old Life-Blighter Shoulders]]| 47|
| |
| [[items:o:OldEfrittiShoulders|Old Efritti Shoulders]]| 38|
| |
| [[items:o:OldEfrittiShoulders|Old Efritti Shoulders]]| 38|
| |
| [[items:o:OldLupineShoulders|Old Lupine Shoulders]]| 40|
| |
| [[items:o:OldLupineShoulders|Old Lupine Shoulders]]| 40|
| |
| [[items:o:OldTrollfelShoulderpads|Old Trollfel Shoulderpads]]| 30|
| |
| [[items:o:OldTrollfelShoulderpads|Old Trollfel Shoulderpads]]| 30|
| ==== Use same colours ==== |
| [[items:o:OldChangelingWroughtShoulders|Old Changeling Wrought Shoulders]]| 39|
| 3 | |
| [[items:l:LinedVestment|Lined Vestment]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:t:TurtleshellBuckler|Turtleshell Buckler]]| 1|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WildweaveSleeves|Wildweave Sleeves]]| 17|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:SlurmSlimeCushionedBoots|Slurm Slime Cushioned Boots]]| 20|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarCollar|Poison Star Collar]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarShirt|Poison Star Shirt]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarGloves|Poison Star Gloves]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarSleeves|Poison Star Sleeves]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarLeggings|Poison Star Leggings]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarSlippers|Poison-Star Slippers]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarHood|Poison Star Hood]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarShoulders|Poison Star Shoulders]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PoisonStarCord|Poison Star Cord]]| 51|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PrideLordsThroatguard|Pride-Lord's Throatguard]]| 41|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PrideLordsNeckwrap|Pride-Lord's Neckwrap]]| 41|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PrideLordsGorget|Pride-Lord's Gorget]]| 41|
| 1 | |
| [[items:v:VizierTurban|Vizier Turban]]| 38|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PridelordPawguards|Pridelord Pawguards]]| 39|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PridelordPaws|Pridelord Paws]]| 39|
| 1 | |
| [[items:p:PridelordMane|Pridelord Mane]]| 39|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WorgManeArms|Worg Mane Arms]]| 21|
| 1 | |
| [[items:f:Flameguard|Flameguard]]| 20|
| 1 | |
| [[items:f:FendlesCrest|Fendle's Crest]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:g:GarveysOrangeBoots|Garvey's Orange Boots]]| 20|
| 1 | |
| [[items:f:FrostfireFootwraps|Frostfire Footwraps]]| 26|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:StormcallerCap|Stormcaller Cap]]| 31|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BronzeGladius|Bronze Gladius]]| 14|
| 1 | |
| [[items:s:SteelGladius|Steel Gladius]]| 14|
| 1 | |
| [[items:r:RitualisticStiletto|Ritualistic Stiletto]]| 16|
| 1 | |
| [[items:m:MoorsStinger|Moors Stinger]]| 20|
| 1 | |
| [[items:a:AspenBow|Aspen Bow]]| 2|
| 1 | |
| [[items:f:FiremapleTears|Firemaple Tears]]| 40|
| 1 | |
| [[items:l:LionTamersSpear|Lion Tamer's Spear]]| 42|
| 1 | |
| [[items:r:RotfangClaymore|Rotfang Claymore]]| 35|
| 1 | |
| [[items:g:GreyPineStaff|Grey Pine Staff]]| 48|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BattleChanterGreataxe|Battle Chanter Greataxe]]| 46|
| 1 | |
| [[items:f:FrenzyScrawledSword|Frenzy Scrawled Sword]]| 50|
| 1 | |
| [[items:t:ToxicKissDagger|Toxic Kiss Dagger]]| 52|
| 1 | |
| [[items:w:WarSwordOfMork|War-Sword of Mork]]| 41|
| 1 | |
| [[items:d:DragonNeedler|Dragon Needler]]| 30|
| 1 | |
| [[items:l:LockJaw|Lock Jaw]]| 42|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BrokenWay|Broken Way]]| 26|
| 1 | |
| [[items:n:Nym|Nym]]| 36|
| 1 | |
| [[items:h:Harvester|Harvester]]| 25|
| 1 | |
| [[items:b:BreweryBow|Brewery Bow]]| 27|
| 1 | |
| [[items:o:OldFlameguard|Old Flameguard]]| 20|
| 1 |