====== Installing on Mac OS Using Wine Staging ====== - Download the Windows game client from [[http://armouree.vm.bytemark.co.uk/downloads/EarthEternal_TheScourgeOfAbiban_Setup.exe|here]]. Do NOT attempt to install it yet. - Download the latest **Wine Staging** from [[https://github.com/wine-compholio/wine-staging/wiki/Installation#mac-os-x|here]] and follow the instructions carefully. Things to note, you will also need XQuartz 2.7.7, although later versions of Mac OS X already have it. - Open a **Terminal** - Run the following command inside the terminal exactly (you can copy paste from here) /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine $HOME/Downloads/EarthEternal_TheScourgeOfAbiban_Setup.exe - Follow the installation wizard. Do **NOT** click "Start The Scourge Of Abidan Now" on the final page. - Now, whenever you want to run the game, you will have to open a **Terminal** again and run the following command exactly, can you can copy and paste from here. cd $HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$LOGNAME/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Earth\ Eternal\ -\ The\ Scourge\ Of\ Abidan /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine Spark.exe http://iceee.servegame.com/Release/Current/EarthEternal.car That's it! You might want to create a script to make launching the game a bit easier. I will add instructions on doing that here at a later time.