====== Script Types, Functions And Constants ====== This page describes all types, functions and constants available for use in the 3 different types of Server Side Squirrel Scripts. ===== Global ===== Global functions and constants are available to ALL types. ==== Types ==== | Name | Arguments | Description | | Area | x,y,radius | Describes a circular area of radius centered around x and y | | Area | x1, y1, x2, y2 | Describes a rectangular around bound within x1,y1 and x2 and y2 | | Point | x, y | Describes a single 2 dimension point at x,y | | Vector3I | x, y, z | Describes an integer vector of x,y,z | | Vector3 | x, y, z | Describes a floating point vector of x,y,z | ==== Functions ==== | Name | Arguments | Description | | array_contains | array,value | Returns a boolean indicating whether the integer number value is in the arrray | | randmodrng | min, max | Returns a random integer number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) | | randmod | max | Returns a random integer number between 0 (inclusive) and max (exclusive) | ==== Constants ==== ===== Instance ===== ==== Functions ==== ==== Constants ==== ===== AI ===== ==== Functions ==== ==== Constants ==== ===== Quest ===== ==== Functions ==== ==== Constants ====