====== Adding An Essence Chest ====== - Create a new **CreatureDef** for the chest itself [ENTRY] defHints=8 ID=7806 will_regen=1 might_regen=1 appearance=p1:{["a"]="Prop-Loot-Boss_Chest1"} level=1 display_name=Father Grundy's Treasure profession=1 creature_category=Inanimate rarity=1 ai_package=nothing - Create a new **ItemDef** for the creatures essence [ENTRY] mID=10015 mType=7 mDisplayName=Father Grundy's Essence mIcon=Icon-Icon-32-Wall_Torch1.png|Icon-32-BG-Green.png mIvType1=1 mIvMax1=20 mIvType2=8 mIvMax2=1 mLevel=1 mBindingType=1 mValue=1 mQualityLevel=2 mMinUseLevel=1 - Create the reward items you wish to be in the chest. - Create an entry instance **Instance/[InstanceID]/EssenceShop.txt**. Use the CreatureDefID and ItemID for the chest creature and essence item above. Also add in all the reward items you wish.; Father Grundys Chest [ENTRY] CreatureDefID=7806 EssenceID=10015 ; Father Grundy's Essence Item=10006,1 ; Grundy's Organic Hammer Item=10007,1 ; Grundys head band - Now create a an entry in **Loot/Creatures.txt**. Locate all the other loot creatures that start with //essence_//, and insert your new one nearby. The first number in this table is the creature Def ID of the creature that will be dropping the token. In this example, //Father Grundy//...... 975 0 essence_darkdepths_vitiator ;Aram Norr 1261 0 essence_folkirkmanor_fathergrundy ;Father Grundy 940 0 essence_direwolfden_foulfur ;Foul Fur 711 0 essence_djinntemple_lordafrott ;Lord A'Frott 2756 0 essence_fangarianslair_grimfrost ;Grimfrost 443 0 essence_forestcavern_frietzsplithoof ;Frietz Splithoof 2340 0 essence_goliathruins_sharabat ;Sharabat .... - Create an entry in **Loot/Sets.txt**. This determines which item will be dropped, how many etc. The fourth column is the item ID of the essence, the third column is chance that the item will drop. 300 can be thought of as a 300% chance chance, i.e. 3 essences will always drop (as a rule of thumb, one essence per player in recommended party size for the associated quest).. essence_darkdepths_vitiator 0 100 20532 Vitiator's Essence essence_direwolfden_foulfur 0 100 20778 Foul Fur's Essence essence_folkirkmanor_fathergrundy 0 300 10015 Father Grundys Essence essence_djinntemple_lordafrott 0 100 20769 Lord A'Frott's Essence essence_fangarianslair_grimfrost 0 110 21299 Grimfrost's Essence .. - The final step is to create a spawn point in boss room of the dungeon, an set the package to **F#7806** where 7806 is CreatureID of the loot chest. Make sure this spawn point is set to **Max Active** of ZERO. Take a not of the **Prop ID**, you will need it for the script. - The chest must be spawned when Grundy is killed, so you need to ensure **Sequential** is set to **TRUE** for Father Grundys spawn point. - Edit the script for the instance, and add an **onKill** section for the creature that must be killed to spawn the chest prop. :onKill_1261 spawn 1500000 return