====== LOBBY_QUERY ====== This is the query message in Lobby mode. The format is the same as when in //Game Mode//, i.e. [[GAME_QUERY]]. | **Mode** | Lobby | | **Direction** | Client to server | | **Code** | 0x03 (3) | | **Length** | Varies | ===== Payload ===== | **Type** | **Length** | **Description** | **Values** | | int | 4 | Query ID | The reply will contain this number. | | string | Varies | Query | The query string. See below. | | byte | 1 | Parameter Count | number of query parameters to follow | | string[] | Varies | Parameters | One string for each query parameter | ===== Queries ===== The following are possible queries the may be sent. * [[iceclient:messages:queries:Persona_list|persona.list]] * [[iceclient:messages:queries:Persona_create|persona.create]] * [[iceclient:messages:queries:Persona_delete|persona.delete]] ===== Expected Replies ===== * [[iceclient:messages:query_reply|QUERY_REPLY]]