====== Diether Blackeye Mayor ====== === Level 45 Mortal ===
== Bandicoon Rogue Quest giver/Quest ender == ===== Internals ===== | Creature ID| 338 | ===== Stats ===== | Base health| 0 | | Base melee damage| 116 | | Casting setback chance| 500 | | Casting break chance| 500 | | Constitution| 94 | | Dexterity| 81 | | Psyche| 66 | | Spirit| 66 | | Strength| 94 | | Resist Death| 1677 | | Resist Fire| 1677 | | Resist Frost| 1677 | | Resist Melee| 1677 | | Resist Mystic| 1677 | ===== Quests ===== * [[quests:TravelToListerm|Travel to Listerm]] * [[quests:TravelToBanditsBluff|Travel to Bandit's Bluff]] ===== Appearance =====
| **Body**| Rotund | | **Head**| Serious | | **Gender**| Male | | **mask**| #cab9a8 | | **base**| #7f7f7f | | **eye**| #151515 | | **tips**| #3f3f3f | | **highlights**| #949494 | | **nose**| #000000 | | **eye_whites**| #ffffff |
===== Apparel =====
| Feet| Chest| Legs| Belt| Collar| Arms | | #465f60#47332b#7c66a1#e19c3d#4f6340| #7c66a1#c7bba3#b5ad55#e19c3d#778b96| #7c66a1#817b89#b5ad55#aaa98d#e19c3d#778b96|  |  |   | | [[:basearmour:feet:armorlightlow3|{{basearmour:feet:armor-light-low3.jpg|}}]]| [[:basearmour:chest:armorclothmid2|{{basearmour:chest:armor-cloth-mid2.jpg|}}]]| [[:basearmour:legs:armorccclothing4|{{basearmour:legs:armor-cc-clothing4.jpg|}}]]| [[:basearmour:belt:armorclothlow2|{{basearmour:belt:armor-cloth-low2.jpg|}}]]| [[:basearmour:collar:armorclothlow2|{{basearmour:collar:armor-cloth-low2.jpg|}}]]| [[:basearmour:arms:armorclothlow2|{{basearmour:arms:armor-cloth-low2.jpg|}}]] | | [[:basearmour:feet:armorlightlow3|Armor-Light-Low3]]| [[:basearmour:chest:armorclothmid2|Armor-Cloth-Mid2]]| [[:basearmour:legs:armorccclothing4|Armor-CC-Clothing4]]| [[:basearmour:belt:armorclothlow2|Armor-Cloth-Low2]]| [[:basearmour:collar:armorclothlow2|Armor-Cloth-Low2]]| [[:basearmour:arms:armorclothlow2|Armor-Cloth-Low2]] | | Hat | | #715daa#edad55#6e3420 | | [[:basearmour:Hat:armorclothmalecasual1hat|{{attachments:armor-cloth-male-casual1-hat.jpg|}}]] | | [[:basearmour:Hat:armorclothmalecasual1hat|Armor-Cloth-Male-Casual1-Hat]] |
===== Maps =====