====== Armor-Light-Low3 ====== {{basearmour:belt:armor-light-low3.jpg|}} ===== Creatures Wearing Asset ===== This means that fashion using this asset __MAY__ be obtainable as an item from the new Random Loot System. It does __NOT__ mean the items will be attainable from those mobs, although it __MIGHT__ mean the item is available as drops from mobs of roughly the same rarity/level | [[creatures:s:SwampBanditGoon|Swamp Bandit Goon]]| | Mortal|
| | [[creatures:b:Briarbearer|Briarbearer]]| Thornbringer| Mortal|
| | [[creatures:b:Bramblebane|Bramblebane]]| | Mortal|
| | [[creatures:s:Scoundrel|Scoundrel]]| Bog Rats| Mortal|
| | [[creatures:s:Strongarm|Strongarm]]| Bog Rats| Mortal|
| | [[creatures:s:Siren|Siren]]| Bog Rats| Mortal|
| | [[creatures:e:ElindraShale|Elindra Shale]]| Bog Rat| Mortal|
| | [[creatures:t:ThannerBrock|Thanner Brock]]| | Mortal|
| | [[creatures:s:SerGrowltiger|Ser Growltiger]]| Weapon Merchant| Mortal|
| ===== Items Using Asset ===== This means that fashion using this asset is obtainable as a standard in-game item. |
| [[items:a:ArdentBelt|Ardent Belt]]| 13|
| |
| [[items:s:SouthWindBelt|South Wind Belt]]| 25|
| |
| [[items:d:DreadwylfSash|Dreadwylf Sash]]| 23|
| |
| [[items:r:RocSkinBeadedCincture|Roc-Skin Beaded Cincture]]| 27|
| |
| [[items:h:HagwovenCinch|Hagwoven Cinch]]| 33|
| |
| [[items:h:HagwovenBelt|Hagwoven Belt]]| 33|
| |
| [[items:t:ThornbroughtBelt|Thornbrought Belt]]| 15|
| |
| [[items:b:BramblebanesBelt|Bramblebane's Belt]]| 15|
| |
| [[items:e:EarthenBelt|Earthen Belt]]| 15|